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Sharing your screen or application

As a presenter you have the option to share with your audience "Your Entire Screen", a specific "Application Window", or a specific browser tab. You can find the process below based on the browser you are working in.

Note: Director level access is required in order to share your screen. Screen share is not supported from mobile browsers.

1. Once you are in your vMeet room open select the "Share your screen" button (seen below) from the left side navigation panel.


2. You will have the options to share your entire screen, application window, or tab. Select the source you would like to share and click the "Share" button to begin broadcasting the source to your audience. (Please see below for sharing on the Mozilla Firefox browser)

Google Chrome / Microsoft Edge

Mozilla Firefox

In Firefox a dropdown menu will appear in the top url bar. From you menu you may select any open applications on your computer, a specific browser tab, or Entire screen. Once you select the correct source click "Allow" at the bottom of the popup window to share the screen.

3. To stop screen sharing  "stop sharing" from the bottom of your browser window or click the screen share button from the left side navigation once more.